Batman Lionel's Blog

Monday, August 12, 2013

Final Paper

We usually see passion as something as a dream or a fantasy but instead it is actually the journey to acquire something greater in a person's life. The opportunity to improve your life and identity as an individual to separate yourself from the world around us. It is not a journey to comfort or be assured to have a calm life and push aside all problems and risks in life. The obstacles and risks that we always encounter in our daily lives help us to improve and identify our motivation to push us beyond our limits. This is what society fails to understand and remains in their comfort zone, never try to attempt to reach out and grab on to the impossible. The environment around us may judge or criticize our goals and motivation to change which would deteriorate the value of our passion. Submit to the standards of society and be ridiculed for fantasizing your passion and your dream. It is the understanding of passion and the healthy environment that is created by the teachers themselves lead to the possibility of success for all students. The book Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer is about a young man who came from a high class family who only wanted the best for him, made sure he had everything he needed and wanted, he did not have to ask for much, cause his parents were willing and ready to give him all he wanted. His parents had money and wanted the best for Chris, their son who only wants to find the meaning of life not the material things, he wants to go deeper with his thoughts and feelings about who he truly is and what his passion is. Chris ends up disappearing and runs away from his family, I believe the reason for Chris disappearing like he did was he felt alone, isolated from who he really was and where he came from. After finding out his own father was living a lie, he already had a family elsewhere and yet he with Chris's mom and now that Chris knows this he totally reacts accordingly to his deep thoughts and feelings about it all and sets off to this world of being alone and fighting to stay alive with little food and survival things, he loses hope and eventually dies, fighting for so long this is where Chris wanted to be, sad yet true. As this paper goes on i will be talking about how passion and privilege are similar and different. also how passion and privilege interacts with the book Into The Wild. Then I while discus how are education system and are teachers lack passion and effective teaching skills. Then finally i while descas my what my situation in school and the success and challenges I am facing. The difference between the two concepts of privilge and passion varies in many different ways, meaning there could be more than one answer for this for each. Passion is something you love to do, you desire to do, something that just comes naturally because you love it so much. Were as privilege is something that cant be seen, in fact it's the complete opposite of passion. Privilege can be seen as something that you have or it could be anything of value, meaning who you are individually. For example your religion could be a privilege or even how you were brought up in this world, meaning your class. Those are things that could be considered examples of privilege. another example between these two concepts is that passion comes naturally, because it's something you love to do and you do it alone, like being your own leader, yet privilege is something that you end up doing because other's are as well, like following the leader instead of being a leader. So the difference between them two is, being a leader verses being a follower. when you lead you follow your own heart and mind. when you follow you not only following someone else's heart and wishes but your not standing for what you as the individual believes in. Like they say, if you don't stand for something you will fall for anything. This quote in the beginning from Ray makes sense to this, "in order to love life you have to find your passion; you have to find what truly makes you happy and when you find what truly makes you happy you gata chase after it; you gata take those risks." He's saying in order to enjoy life, you first must find your passion and when you find your passion you will then have to continue chasing after it, and thus taking risks which could lead you in the wrong path or the right path, sometimes you have no choice to do certain things especially when your only trying to succeed and become a better person and be bale to help the next individual find themselves as well. This is where both passion and privilege could have some sort of connection, meaning to find your passion you have to take risks' these risks could damage you or help you and that's what privilege does at times, not knowing what the outcomes is could be detrimental, but you do it anyways to help you determine your next step in success and or your desire and passion for your life.
One way that passion intersected with the book Into the Wild was with self-determination. Right after his college graduation he set off for a long adventurous journey into the wild. He came across many different people and always made the best out of each encounter. Christopher had this desire, this passion to be away from society, he wanted to just get away from it all. he told his parents, "I think I'm going to disappear for awhile" (pg 21 Into Wild) Shortly after that, he did just that and disappeared for a long time. Soon after he burned his id and cut all his credit cards and make sure he became anonymous. He definitely accomplished that goal, pretty gutsy move but that's something that he wanted, he hoped for, his passion so he did what he had to do to make sure he was happy no matter what. He felt that by making this move he might figure out what his passion truly is or who he really is. Another way this book intersects with of idea such as equality comes from this fact that Chris wanted to feel some type of importance in life sense he wasn't getting it from his own family. We ask ourselves, do we think that if we make a decision right now, this moment could or will it jeopardizes us in any way possible? Did Christopher think about that when he was hurting his family, not one bit. Does that make it right that he just left without saying anything, yes maybe. His parents were in fact worried about him and didn't know what to do or what had happened. His own father mentions, "That really scares us, say's Walt, "By that point we had absolutely no idea what Chris could be up to" (pg 31 Krakauer). He felt it was all a lie especially after he went to L.A and met some family friends and they told him how his father was already married and had a family so Chris wasn't his first and his father used to hit their mother and argued all the time, even in front of Chris and his sister. So Chris left to find some equality within himself since he couldn't get any from neither on of his own parents. He set off on a journey anonymously and continued his passion to find equality and freedom from all society and all of its rules and regulations about life, he just wanted to be free from it all, no worries whatsoever. A third way that this book Into the Wild intersects with this concept of class is based on how wealthy his family was so he came up with very good standings, went to a good school, had a car, lived in a big home, his parents both worked, he dad worked for NASA. So we get the picture, and right after his graduation Chris meets with his parents and they tell him they want to buy him a new car in case his old one breaks down or falls apart. he mentions how he doesn't want the materials things in life, he wants what's deeper, like love and honesty and loyalty. He doesn't get that from them, so he feels like he doesn't owe them anything. Chris tells us this in one of his journals, "I'm going to have to be real careful not to accept any gifts from them in the future because they will think they have bought my respect " (pg 21 Krakauer). He gets a bit angry and questions them back and tells them how he is not interested in the fancy cars and material things, he doesn't want anything, those things aren't what's important to him. Chris wants more than these materialistic things, he wants to feel like he is loved and whats to feel like he is special and came become a real man like his own father, but actually its the opposite. his own father betrayed him and his mother and sister, so why would anyone want to become like this man, father figure at that. This shows how you can have everything and still felt like it's never enough, all Chris wanted was to feel equal to his own family as well as his own father, but he felt as if he didn't have anyone, but himself which is why we left into the wild anonymously. Education is the foundation for any society. Without education a nation is without a future and will never reach any progress. The current state of our public educational system is quite mediocre. There is a lot of ways we can improve it. Jeff Bliss and Andrade talk about how our public education is failing us right now. The Lasers video also makes some good points on how our education can be confusing. Why our education is failing us is another important question that the Laser video, Andrade, and Jeff Bliss address. Our education basically prepares us for what we want to do with our lives. Therefore, our education should stimulate our passions. Currently our educational system is not doing a very good job of stimulating our passions. Should our public educational system stimulate what we are passionate about? What would be some benefits of that? I will also discuss possible ways we can improve our public education. Andrade, the Passion Project and the Lasers video come up with good ideas on how to improve our public educational system.
The current state of our public educational system leaves me wanting more. There is a lot of ways we can improve our education. I believe that no school in America should be like the schools that Andrade talks about in his video. The kids who go to school in conflicted areas of Oakland were able to accomplish so much with assistance that most of us already receive and take for granted. Andrade displays the homicide map of Oakland with the title of it being "The Plague." It really has become a sort of epidemic. Like a plague it spreads and kills off the weak. Violence, drug usage, and school drop out rates are quite remarkable and, I find Andrade's work very needed and endearing. But hopefully with the few roses Andrade has created those roses will help Andrade with his work, because like he said, "A rose that grew in the concrete creates rose gardens." I find that quote very powerful and, it makes me wonder if all people are willing to help like that. What I am really asking is does it really take someone to go through the same struggle to feel empathy for someone going through that struggle? Or can we feel empathy without having to go through the same experiences? We need to work more with conflicted schools like the schools in East Oakland. Jeff Bliss is obviously not happy with the current state of our education. He demands change from his teacher. It is people like Jeff that cause a lot of attention and get people to notice problems. I can relate this guy to civil rights movement leaders but more relevant to our class I will relate him to Christopher McCandless. Jeff like McCandless actually was brave enough to act out on what he truly felt passionate about and stood up and acted on what he believes in. I did some research on Google and Jeff is now actually talking to school boards on ways to improve things. It is simply remarkable how one out burst can lead to further things. If he never stood up for what he believed in then no change would have ever been initiated. Everything would have remained stagnant and we would be living with our problems content. Christopher McCandless did not live his life content with the way things were. McCandless says in his letter to Ron,"[so] many people live within unhappy circumstances and yet will not take the initiative to change their situation because they are conditioned to a life of security, conformity, and conservatism, all of which may appear to give one peace of mind, but in reality nothing is more damaging to the adventurous spirit within a man than a secure future."(57) It is this attitude that caused Jeff and other activists to stand up and actually initiate change. In order to initiate change you have to take risks and break from the rest of the conformist flock and you have to do something different that will get noticed. Those in charge will not like it when you get noticed because they know their time of power is coming to an end. I feel like if teachers cared a little more about their students, if they had the passion to teach then the students would feel more comfortable to come and be ready to learn in their class. However, teachers give off the impression that there just there for the money. Whether or not I would show up to a class in high school was determined on how boring the class was or how important I felt the class was. If teachers made an effort to make a connection with his/her students then they would first of all want to show up to class and secondly actually learn from the class. A teacher’s job is to teach and sometimes they need to put in more work besides lecture and demonstrate to actually “teach” and make a difference in the students life. In my opinion, getting to know your students as a teacher is important. I feel like if the teacher takes time to get to know their students it may make students aware of that and could possibly open their minds towards his teachings. Teachers must also be willing to give up some of their spare time to help these students in need. What else does it mean to be a teacher, it means you must teach. They must be able to not only teach content but also how to understand the concept how to grasp it and a bunch of other things that can help the student. Teachers fail to realize that they were once those same students that had those same questions. They also fail to realize that once in their life, a teacher had once made a huge change into their lives causing them to be a teacher as well. There is a passion in being a teacher/professor, that passion is to ensure that all, not just one, but ALL of the students understand the content. A survey shows that students usually enter college with no idea what they want to do in the future.However by the time they leave, something must have touched them in order for them to keep pushing onward with a dream that they have not realized yet. Future teachers are usually inspired by other teachers and realize what they want to do because of what their teachers have done for them. But the future teachers fail to realize this and ask students why they can't decide a future or why they lack inspiration, it's because they haven't found it yet. There's a phrase that goes "I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine." In this context the teacher will have to provide the student with something of meaningful value, that being their time and effort to aid their growth and ever expanding curiosity of students. From there, the students will then give their full attention and cooperate with the teachers more fluidly. I have come to realize that I am a number of things, for one I could be a visitor, a seeker, and a explorer. These three have suited me the best throughout my entire educational journey, due to the things said by the interviewees in the Laser video I definitely fall in these three classes. In the visitor class, I am a new incoming student attempting to make my own in this new environment. I know nothing of college life and only hope to fit in with my peers, I struggle greatly with how to adapt to the new workload compared to when I was still in high school. There was a large shift in the amount of pages needed to be written in an essay, in high school, the maximum for me to write was roughly three pages, here I'm writing a twenty four page essay and still going. When I first entered, I felt like an outsider, a person who didn't belong in society. I also did not have a clear path in which my future would take me, I wanted to in the medical field, but now it seems to be like a second thought. As for the seeker category, I know what classes I'm taking, fulfilling my GE courses and hopefully transferring to a good four year institution. That is my main goal as of right now and it seems to be the only real path that I can follow. Though this may sound like a contradiction to the statements above, I have faced heavy workloads in high school before, and well, I've learned to adapt to these things rather quickly. I have faced this in my AP courses in during the four years in high school and those courses have prepared me quite well if I have to say so for myself. I generally have control over myself and have the ability to manage my time considerably well. And finally we have the explorer category. This category would suit me the best since I have no real clear path in which I want to take. I take a bunch of GE classes that seem interesting and hopefully it fulfills the requirements I need to transfer into another institution. I know for sure that I want to head into a four year institution for a higher education and obtain a degree that I can be proud of. That is a clear path that I must absolutely follow through with in hopes to push through with my prideful self. I just hope I know how to obtain this goal... long ways away, but the journey has only just begun!
Success has many different definitions for people, depending on the situation they are in. for me, success is being able to overcome your fears, obstacles and accomplishing your goals. My interpretation of this is that you are either strong enough to face the challenges that life puts on you or weak that you let life treat you like a puppet and control your life. When you let others control the way your life goes, you are often miserable and have this mentality that you are unable to be "alone" in the world, you have the need of having someone to help you. There are many things that put your success at jeopardy for example, family, money, and friends (personal life). Either these can help you have more success in life or stop you form have the life you want and are aiming at. Family can make your success mean nothing to you because you might feel you have not really worked for the success in life that you wanted, but was just given to you by parents or someone in your family. "...I’m going to be careful not to accept any gifts from them in the future because they will think they have bought my respect" (into the wild . 21) this is proving that success is measure by the things YOU! Can accomplish not what someone else just gives you to show that they "care.” when this just give you the tools to be successful they are secretly telling you that they (your parents/family) don't believe in your capability of being successful and having what you want on your own. "at long last he was unencumbered , emancipated from the stifling world of his parents and peers , a world of abstraction and security ...a world in which he felt grievously cut off from the throb of existence"(into the wild. 22) in order to overcome this obstacle that family forms in your path to success you must choose to become independent . Becoming independent does not mean leaving your family forever and not seeing them or loving them. Becoming independent from them is letting them know that you can accomplish anything you set on your mind on your own and that you do not need their economic support to accomplish your goals. By being able to stand by yourself in the world, you are proving not just everyone, but yourself that you can be successful. Money is a major obstacle that people, especially minorities face. This is a challenge where many struggle and give up because they close their mind thinking they will never overcome this obstacle. "You are going to let the fear of poverty govern your life and your reward will be that you will eat, but you will not live “George Bernard Shaw. letting the fear of being without money feed on you will stop you from becoming a successful person in life it will transform you into a "slave" because you will never go beyond what your current life can offer you. Letting poverty defeat your hunger of a better life will make you become a conformist and everything bad life gives you, you will accept with the mentality that you do not deserve something better. "Her son, the teenage tolstoyan, believed that wealth was shameful, corrupting... which is ironic because Chris was a natural born capitalist..."(115). This shows that for many people, money does not define success. Chris, the main character from into the wild, by Jon krakauer, goes against this because he does not feel complete; successful in his mind he is miserable. However, he did not just stand there and did nothing about it; he decided to pursue his happiness, which would give him the successful life he wants/needs. Finally, friends can also influenced into doing things that can make your journey either easier or harder. You should never let friends influence you into doing something that you do not want because in the end you will be stuck with the result you actions produce not them. "There was no talking the guy out of it" (into the wild .6). This is a perfect example that you should be strong about the ideas and goals you have and always go with what you believe in order to be successful. "Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it" Bruce Lee . This proves that you should never let someone else define success for you, you must find the definition of success that best fits the needs you have in life. Letting someone else tell you what success is, is like becoming them and not yourself. When doing this your life suddenly becomes someone else’s and not your, you lose your need for success and settle with what others want.. During my time in college, I faced numerous challenges that made my life complete hell and I have only been here for one year. One of my main challenges is time management. Probably the most common challenge for college students because it makes us take a step back and look at all of the things we need to do and prioritize first. My first thought about time management is that it will be hard to get use to. We are all use to freely spend our time because our parents did all the hard stuff for us while all we have to do is focus on studying. For me time management was really hard and it caused me to break down and just got me stuck. I'm stuck between what to do today and what to do tomorrow. I overcame this struggle by organizing my days and schedule on a chart. It's tedious but works very well. I can organize all my classes and all the things I want to do that day. It's kind of like a shopping list except much longer and a little more complex. I also use a calendar to plan out my days for the month. I'm sure a lot of people does this and would know how useful it is. It helps me organize my weeks and by using a chart or planner,I can organize my classes. It is also very useful to plan nights out and party with friends. Another issue is my lack of passion to study my major. I studied electrical engineering and I didn't like it. It was just boring and I doze off most of the time. This lack of passion I had in the was just devastating for me. It completely ruined my first semester of college and it left me in the dust. In the passion project, Elaine said "If you don't know who you are you will never find out what you want." I completely agree with what she said. If we don't know what we want or feel passionate about, we can't continue toward our goals. It will just cause us more trouble in our lives. Imagine waking up and just sitting there on your bed staring into space thinking "What am I going to do today?" I don't really know if I can get over my struggle and i hope i find my passion to study my desired major, but if I have to take a guess then I would say it was because of my friends and family. There are no substitute for a good old conversations with friends and family members. They can give very good advice and just tell you to follow what interests you. I always wanted to study psychology but the pressure of fitting in with the people around me led me to pursue a biology major. My family told me to pick something I like which is what I did and my friends introduced me to many different major to see if I showed interest in any one of them. Another good way to find your passion to do something is to just go ahead and do it. You never know what will happen if you don't. I was scared to do new stuff and I do admit that I am still scared to do new stuff. It might be scary but it can have good consequences after you do it. By just going in there and doing something, it can let you see what it is like to do a specific thing first hand and could even ignite a sense of passion to pursue it. Passion is a huge advantage just like how good privilege is a good advantage if you have both going for you then there should really be nothing that can stand in the way of getting towards your goals. For me I feel like i don't have any of these two working in my favor, and because of that my success is limited but i will find a way to get to where i want to go even if its a struggle the whole time.

Thursday, August 8, 2013


Ever since i was young i never really had the desire to attend school i always felt it was something I was forced to do. After watching the laser movie, I have come to realize that I am a number of things, for one I could be a visitor, a seeker, and a explorer. These three have suited me the best throughout the entire video due to the things said by the interviewees. In the visitor class, I am a new incoming student attempting to make my own in this new environment. I know nothing of college life and only hope to fit in with my peers, I struggle greatly with how to adapt to the new work load compared to when I was still in high school. There was a large shift in the amount of pages needed to be written in an essay, in high school, the maximum for me to write was roughly three pages, here I'm writing a twenty four page essay and still going. When I first entered, I felt like an outsider, a person who didn't belong in society. I also did not have a clear path in which my future would take me, I wanted to in the medical field, but now it seems to be like a second thought. As for the seeker category, I know what classes I'm taking, fulfilling my GE courses and hopefully transferring to a good four year institution. That is my main goal as of right now and it seems to be the only real path that I can follow. Though this may sound like a contradiction to the statements above, I have faced heavy workloads in high school before, and well, I've learned to adapt to these things rather quickly. I have faced this in my AP courses in during the four years in high school and those courses have prepared me quite well if I have to say so for myself. I generally have control over myself and have the ability to manage my time considerably well. And finally we have the explorer category. This category would suit me the best since I have no real clear path in which I want to take. I take a bunch of GE classes that seem interesting and hopefully it fulfills the requirements I need to transfer into another institution. I know for sure that I want to head into a four year institution for a higher education and obtain a degree that I can be proud of. That is a clear path that I must absolutely follow through with in hopes to push through with my prideful self. I just hope I know how to obtain this goal... long ways away, but the journey has only just begun!

Focusing The Lasers from Sean McFarland on Vimeo.

Success For Me

Success has many different definitions for people, depending on the situation they are in. for me, success is being able to overcome you fears, obstacles and accomplishing your goals. My interpretation of this is that you are either strong enough to face the challenges that life puts on you or weak that you let life treat you like a puppet and control your life. When you let others control the way your life goes, you are often miserable and have this mentality that you are unable to be "alone" in the world, you have the need of having someone to help you. There are many things that put your success at jeopardy for example, family, money, and friends (personal life). Either these can help you have more success in life or stop you form have the life you want and are aiming at. Family can make your success mean nothing to you because you might feel you have not really worked for the success in life that you wanted, but was just given to you by parents or someone in your family. "...I’m going to be careful not to accept any gifts from them in the future because they will think they have bought my respect" (into the wild . 21) this is proving that success is measure by the things YOU! Can accomplish not what someone else just gives you to show that they "care.” when this just give you the tools to be succesfull they are secretely telling you that they (your parents/family) dont believe in your capability of being succesfull and having whay you whant on your own. "at long last he was unencumbered , emancipated from the stifling world of his parents and peers , a world of abstraction and security ...a world in which he felt grievously cut off from the throb of existence"(into the wild. 22) in order to overcome this obstacle that family forms in your path to success you must choose to become independent . Becoming independent does not mean leaving your family forever and not seeing them or loving them. Becoming independent from them is letting them know that you can accomplish anything you set on your mind on your own and that you do not need their economic support to accomplish your goals. By being able to stand by yourself in the world, you are proving not just everyone, but yourself that you can be successful. Money is a major obstacle that people, especially minorities face. This is a challenge where many struggle and give up because they close their mind thinking they will never overcome this obstacle. "You are going to let the fear of poverty govern your life and your reward will be that you will eat, but you will not live “George Bernard Shaw. letting the fear of being without money feed on you will stop you from becoming a successful person in life it will transform you into a "slave" because you will never go beyond what your current life can offer you. Letting poverty defeat your hunger of a better life will make you become a conformist and everything bad life gives you, you will accept with the mentality that you do not deserve something better. "Her son, the teenage tolstoyan, believed that wealth was shameful, corrupting... which is ironic because Chris was a natural born capitalist..."(115). This shows that for many people, money does not define success. Chris, the main character from into the wild, by Jon krakauer, goes against this because he does not feel complete; successful in his mind he is miserable. However, he did not just stand there and did nothing about it; he decided to pursue his happiness, which would give him the successful life he wants/needs. Finally, friends can also influenced into doing things that can make your journey either easier or harder. You should never let friends influence you into doing something that you do not want because in the end you will be stuck with the result you actions produce not them. "There was no talking the guy out of it" (into the wild .6). This is a perfect example that you should be strong about the ideas and goals you have and always go with what you believe in order to be successful. "Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it" Bruce Lee . This proves that you should never let someone else define success for you, you must find the definition of success that best fits the needs you have in life. Letting someone else tell you what success is, is like becoming them and not yourself. When doing this your life suddenly becomes someone else’s and not your, you lose your need for success and settle with what others want.

Kid With Red Shoes

The guy with the red shoes, or Jeff Bliss, is an individual that knows what is good for the children inside of a classroom. In order for students to be fully engaged and learn, it is the teacher's duty to be able to bring up a discussion. If nothing is brought up, what good will sitting there and handing out worksheets do? As students are more physically and mentally engaged on a subject, new ideas and concepts can be brought up upon it. In my high school physiology class my teacher would put us into groups of four and allow us to converse the topics of how the body works. She would give us homework the night before about a topic, such as how the heart works and what causes the beating. As some people were not able to understand the reading last night, this would allow it to be clarified through not only a teacher's point of view but a fellow peer's point of view. What Jeff was doing was that he was arguing for the hope that teachers will interact with others, rather than just pass things out and expect them to understand. Some teachers believe that they should only teach content rather than actually helping students. Different people have different learning styles, others are better at retaining knowledge by just learning straight from the book, others require hands on attention in order to grasp the concept. I will paraphrase Andrade, a rose growing out of the concrete will only continue to grow if an outside source will help nurture it to health. The student is the rose growing up inside a community that only seems to reject them, the teacher is that gardener that helps that rose to grow up and shine inside the community that only seems to forsake them. If a student cries for help and no one is around, will they make a sound? Yes, but only if you choose to hear it. That's what it means to be a teacher, a guide, a nurturer, a difference. Teachers must also be willing to give up some of their spare time to help these students in need. What else does it mean to be a teacher, it means you must teach. They must be able to not only teach content but also how to understand the concept how to grasp it and a bunch of other things that can help the student. Teachers fail to realize that they were once those same students that had those same questions. They also fail to realize that once in their life, a teacher had once made a huge change into their lives causing them to be a teacher as well. There is a passion in being a teacher/professor, that passion is to ensure that all, not just one, but ALL of the students understand the content. A survey shows that students usually enter college with no idea what they want to do in the future.However by the time they leave, something must have touched them in order for them to keep pushing onward with a dream that they have not realized yet. Future teachers are usually inspired by other teachers and realize what they want to do because of what their teachers have done for them. But the future teachers fail to realize this and ask students why they can't decide a future or why they lack inspiration, it's because they haven't found it yet. There's a phrase that goes "I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine." In this context the teacher will have to provide the student with something of meaningful value, that being their time and effort to aid their growth and ever expanding curiosity of students. From there, the students will then give their full attention and cooperate with the teachers more fluidly.

Into The Wild

First I'll start with how this book Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer is about a young boy who came from a high class family who only wanted the best for him, made sure he had everything he needed and wanted, he did have to ask for much, cause his parents were willing and ready to give him all he wanted. His parents had money and both wanted the best for Chris, their son who wants more to life than the material things, he wants to go deeper with his thoughts and feelings about who he truly is and what his passion is. there was one big turn that I believe is the reason for Chris just disappearing like he did, and it's cause he felt alone, isolated from who is really way and where he came from. After finding out his own father was living a lie, he already had a family elsewhere and yet he with Chris's mom and now that Chris knows this he totally reacts accordingly to his deep thoughts and feelings about it all and sets off to this world of being alone and fighting to stay alive with little food and survival things, he loose hope and eventually dies, fighting for so long this is where Chris wanted to be, sad yet true. One way that passion intersected with the book Into the Wild was with self- determination. Right after his college graduation he set off for a long adventurous journey into the wild. He came across many different people and always made the best out of each encounter. Christopher had this desire, this passion to be away from society, he wanted to just get away from it all. he told his parents, "I think I'm going to disappear for a while" (pg 21 Krakauer) Shortly after that, he did just that and disappeared for a long time. Soon after he burned his id and cut all his credit cards and make sure he became anonymous. He definitely accomplished that goal, pretty gutsy move but that's something that he wanted, he hoped for, his passion so he did what he had to do to make sure he was happy no matter what. He felt that by making this move he might figure out what his passion truly is or who he really is. Another way this book intersects with of idea such as equality comes from this fact that Chris wanted to feel some type of importance in life sense he wasn't getting it from his own family. We ask ourselves, do we think that if we make a decision right now, this moment could or will it jeopardizes us in any way possible? Did Christopher think about that when he was hurting his family, not one bit. Does that make it right that he just left without saying anything, yes maybe. His parents were in fact worried about him and didn't know what to do or what had happened. His own father mentions, "That really scares us, say's Walt, "By that point we had absolutely no idea what Chris could be up to" (pg 31 Krakauer). He felt it was all a lie especially after he went to L.A and met some family friends and they told him how his father was already married and had a family so Chris wasn't his first and his father used to hit their mother and argued all the time, even in front of Chris and his sister. So Chris left to find some equality with in himself sense he couldn't get any from neither on of his own parents. He set off on a journey anonymously and continued his passion to find equality and freedom from all society and all of its rules and regulations about life, he just wanted to be free from it all, no worries whatsoever. A third way that this book Into the Wild intersects with this concept of class is based on how wealthy his family was so he came up with very good standings, went to a good school, had a car, lived in a big home, his parents both worked, he dad worked for NASA. So we get the picture, and right after his graduation Chris meets with his parents and they tell him they want to buy him a new car in case his old one breaks down or falls apart. he mentions how he doesn't want the materials things in life, he wants whats deeper, like love and honestly and loyalty. He doesn't get that from them, so he feels like he doesn't owe them anything. Chris tells us this in one of his journals, "I'm going to have to be real careful not to accept any gifts from them in the future because they will think they have bought my respect " (pg 21 Krakauer). He gets a bit angry and questions them back and tells them how he is not interested in the fancy cars and material things, he doesn't want anything, those things aren't what's important to him. Chris wants more than these materialistic things, he wants to feel like he is loved and whats to feel like he is special and came become a real man like his own father, but actually its the opposite. his own father betrayed him and his mother and sister, so why would anyone want to become like this man, father figure at that. This shows how you can have everything and still felt like it's never enough, all Chris wanted was to feel equal to his own family as well as his own father, but he felt as if he did't have anyone, but himself which is why we left into the wild anonymously.